Mac DVD Video Converter

Mac DVD Video Converter
Mac DVD Ripper and Video Converter software

when you run a search on the App Store, most of the gimmicks have already been created—at least twice. Clones still litter the store and it`s becoming even more difficult for quality apps to get noticed. But, if you have a bit of patience and are willing to sift through less exciting apps, there are some fantastic gems just waiting to be discovered. play AVI on Mac

Here are the top 15 App picks for applications released this year thus far by Alex Ahlund. Try one or try them all.

16. Foursquare


iMovie to DVD The quintessential geo-social app, Foursquare allows users to ‘Check in’ to locations to earn points and broadcast their location. Get more Check-Ins than anyone and you become the mayor.

17. Groupon

Groupon is a service that offers an extremely marked down deal every day. From restaurants to spas, users have been excited about Groupon since it came out. All the same convenience on your iPhone. YouTube to iPad Mac

18. iMovie

It made sense for Apple to bring their casual video editing software over to the iPhone when the 4 launched with hi-def recording. Very solid tool for on-the-go editing.

19. Siri Assistant

Your own personal assistant. Ask it for directions. Reminders. General information. Nearly anything. Fun and useful for anyone on the go. rip DVD on Mac

20. Twitter

While nothing new, with the acquisition of Tweetie, the official Twitter has become the best out of them all. Contains all the features you need.

21. Wolfram

AVI to QuickTime Mac After dropping dramatically from the $50 price tag, Wolfram has become a fantastic knowledge searching tool based on Wolfram Alpha.

22. iBooks

I know, I know. This is a given. Provided with iOS 4.0, iBooks is the defacto book reader. dvd ripper for Mac Even so, it’s worth a mention for how elegant and easy it is to use compared to other readers.

23. Hulu Plus

This is something we have been waiting for a while. The downside is that it only offers content for the paid service—not for free as it is on the web. But, if you can pony up the monthly fee, this is a great app. Video Converter Mac

24. Gowalla

Similar to Foursquare, Gowalla allows users to ‘check in’ to a location to earn stamps. Based on GPS, it’s very addictive earning stamps and a great companion while you are out and about.

25. Dragon Dictation

Finally, Mac DVD Burner an accurate way to dictate voice to text on the iPhone. Speak naturally to send a text message, email, or anything else that can receive inputted text.

26. Free App A Day

FAAD is an interesting service that works with developers to offer up their paid apps for free for a short time period. If you follow the iPhone app, you can snatch up some big name apps, gratis. Mac DVD Ripper

27. JotNot Scanner Pro


Make your iPhone into a multi-page scanner. Has a great image enhancing ability and makes saving and sending scans pretty effortless. DVD to iTunes Mac

28. Text'nDrive

For those of us with a habit of checking (or even worse, responding to) email while we drive, this app provides a hands-free solution where new messages are read to you and you can respond by voice.

29. Geodelic

An elegant “Around Me” style app showing everything that is near your location. Fun way to discover things you didn’t know existed.

30. Digg rip DVD to Mac

download YouTube to iPad Mac Digg finally made an official app and it definitely didn’t disappoint. Users can look forward to all the same functionality as the native site, as well as easy saving and sharing.

Editor's note: This guest post is written by Alex Ahlund, the former CEO and founder of AppVee and AndroidApps, which were acquired by mobile application directory Appolicious. iMovie files to DVD


Here's an article about how to rip DVD movies on Mac.

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